Formatting Requirements
- Manuscript format: Microsoft Word (preferred).
- Referencing style: APA, AMA, Chicago, or journal-specific guidelines.
- Equations: Use Office Math ML or MathType.
Artwork, Figures, and Tables
- Preferred formats: TIFF, JPEG (images); EPH (graphs, line art).
- Resolution: Minimum 300 dpi (images), 800 dpi (line art).
- Color: Ensure figures are readable in both color and grayscale.
Title Page Information
The title page should include:
- Full manuscript title
- Author names and affiliations (institution where research was conducted)
- Corresponding author details (email, phone, institutional address)
- Acknowledgments and funding details
Supplemental Materials
EPH supports hosting additional online materials, including:
- Datasets, videos, and podcasts (must meet EPH file format standards).
- Preprints, where applicable (refer to journal-specific policies).
Ethical and Declaration Statements
A dedicated Statements and Declarations section should include:
- Ethics approval and consent statements
- Conflict of interest declaration
- Funding disclosures
- Data availability statement
Authors must confirm compliance with journal-specific policies before submission.